The administrators made it very intense and hostile before taking the test. I understand the issues with cheating, but it felt like I was in a prison. I should NOT have to feel like that before a major test. The stress it caused was unneeded and definitely unwanted. Were the administrators professional...I guess with curt and dismissive language and dispositions. Were they courteous, DEFINITELY NOT. I had to use the bathroom before the last hour of my test. The bathrooms are locked which is a HUGE BARRIER to managing your time. So I lost 10 minutes on my test because someone was relieving themselves on the bathroom. Why are there not at least 2-3 keys? Why should MY time be dictated on someone else’s bodily functions? I was told to just wait for the person to finish by two of the testing administrators. They did not have any cause or concern that my minutes for a timed test I paid for were lost. They do not care and they don’t have empathy in regards to the situation you are in with a timed test. I’m so displeased with this center. I hope to never have to return.