Extremely Rude Front desk personal at Suite 205. In short: My exam was canceled without notice. Front desk personnel is a rhetorical machine telling me to, "check my spam." It turns out there was no initial email (possible tech error). I called back to inform her,so that she may, PROPERLY inform others/future candidates. Also, that she may understand the BS "check your spam, you should have gotten an email," is not a case that applies to all. Suite 205 fromt desk girl was directly speaking over my question as I let her know my intentions of the call back. She rushed to provide me with a customer service number that informed me, they have no clue of the issue and that this very same rude and bottom level service of a staff member, should have provided me with a ticket number. If you dislike your job or the responsibilities that come with it you should choose another position; where you will be beneficial. Definitely a place to avoid if you wish to save yourself from bottom level service.