I’ve tested at four different prometric testing places. 2 in the UK (both in London) and 2 in the US (Minneapolis, Rochester) and this has been the worst. I spent months studying for the GRE only to listen while conducting the exam to the unprofessional two employees talk about how they will never find a man, their constant strep throat, their brown hair, and how the other keeps taking ones chair from them. I’m making official complaints as I write this. My exam was an hour ago. I considered walking out after the first hour of four but stayed in hopes that one would leave. When both weren’t together it was perfectly fine but when together they couldn’t shut up. I was also interrupted half way through a section as the lady spoke to me about headphones and how I’d like one even though I had a pair wrapped around my neck. That took up two minutes of a section where I only have 30 minutes to answer that section’s questions.