Going into a situation with high anxiety is not good, only to be treated as if you are boarding a plane or being booked for jail purposes. The whole experience i would equate to being degraded,defeated and demoralized. At one point i even asked to reschedule and was told that it was not possible. The people working were rude, not helpful and non chalant when questions where asked. They definetly need to be retrained to include better communication,empathy and word choice. The testing started after 8am then I had to be finger/palm printed several times along with a picture(s) and questions at one point i forgot what i was there for. This process could have been easily different if the people where just a little nicer. My anxiety was on high the whole time as the lady informed me with attitude there are cameras watching me, this after i frisked myself. As i was leaving the same lady awkwardly looked at me with the same negative look and silent attitude to match. This was just a bad experience so im sure I didnt do well.